
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Photography Challenge: Week #8

This week, with so much time on my hands, I am on time for the photo challenge.  Do you ever feel like you have so much time that you can get it done any time you want, then end up not doing it at all?  I feel like that often, maybe I'm just lazy.  But anyways, on to the challenge!

This week the challenge was Black and White.  One of the best things about the beach is waking up early to enjoy a cup of coffee on the patio while the sun comes up.  There is something so wonderful about this time over looking the water.  Everything is so calm, it recharges the soul.  So my black and white picture is my delicious cup of coffee.

And just for good measure, I took a picture of the beach, but edited it on the computer to be black and white.  

I have really enjoyed the quality time spent with my family and my husband. 
It's good for the soul to be close with family.  Plus, things will be different in a few months, my sister is pregnant and is due in April.  We will have a new baby to add to the bunch!  

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1 comment:

  1. Congrats to your sister!! The coffee pic definitely represents RELAXation :) I LOVE the second beach picture...I think it's frame worthy!!


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